About Us

Keeping it local, making it yours.

RedEye Coffee is a nonprofit that's proudly owned by Independence Landing. We're the same RedEye you've grown to love, but now - every coffee, every catering order, every toast - is helping our neighbors with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities live independently. We're proudly roasting in Tallahassee, and have exciting plans to open a coffee roasting and food preparation training program for residents of Independence Landing. We celebrate kindness and are passionate champions for local businesses and the amazing nonprofits that serve our region. And, we try to spread a little thing we call #RELove in everything we do.

Learn more about Independence Landing and their mission here!

Great coffee, greater impact.

We put ethics and sustainability at the core of our business, and believe that every cup of RedEye coffee should make the world a better place (in more ways than one!)

We're proud to intentionally source our coffees from farms and co-ops with ethical practices and empowerment opportunities for their community members.

We hope you feel good knowing that your purchase at RedEye contributes to a positive impact locally and globally.

Learn More About Our Local Efforts

Meet Our Leadership Team